
It is our aim at EMSOC to create access to a selection of useful resources on a wide range of topics related to the overarching anti-racist aims and academic, as well as cultural, themes of the network. The resource page is a continual work in progress as we continue to build our existing lists and add new ones on topics that are of importance to our community.

Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Anti-Racist Pedagogy

These articles, podcasts and various mixed media aim to familiarise and guide educators on implementing inclusive pedagogy, to increase and enhance student engagement at all levels of education.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Well-being & Mental Health

This resource collection includes contacts for organisations offering accessible mental health support, as well as articles with practical advice on academic and social challenges to well-being.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Anti-Racism at Work

A select list of resources on racism and anti-racism in universities and in fields of study relevant to EMSOC.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Conferences & Networking

Resources with practical suggestions for how to approach academic events, draft conference papers, and network effectively in various settings.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa


Resources related to academic funding for scholars at various stages of their academic careers, ranging from graduate students to professors.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Postgraduate Studies

Articles and resources related to different stages of Masters and PhD study, from applications to thesis submissions.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Writing & Publication

Advice and resources on the craft of academic writing and on different genres of academic writing and publication.

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Hassana Moosa Hassana Moosa

Activism & Community

Links to networks, research-based organisations, and platforms that share the aims and interests of EMSOC.

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