
Do you have some anti-racist insights you’d like to share with our community? Would you like us to advertise an upcoming event or activity that aligns with the aims of the network and is relevant to our audiences? Please follow the instructions below to propose submissions to EMSOC.

Blog Submissions

EMSOC are pleased to accept blog submissions from its network. We welcome blog post submissions related to the various challenges and opportunities connected to working and studying in Early Modern studies.

Please send us a short abstract (50 words) in order for us to confirm whether the post would be appropriate.

Our guidelines for blog submissions:

  • Minimum of 400 words

  • Provide a title and preview text for the blog post

  • Images can be provided for within the blog post or as the lead image, however we may need to find another lead image to match our branding where necessary

  • Please use MLA referencing where appropriate

  • Provide a short bio (25-50 words) and a contact email address

Please send your short abstract or an informal enquiry to with ‘Blog Submission’ in the subject line.

We look forward to hearing from you!

News Submissions

EMSOC welcomes submissions for our News page. These might be related to upcoming events, vacancies, call for papers, and other relevant information. To submit a news or event post, please fill out this form with the relevant information and send it to with ‘Event Submission’ in the subject line. Please attach a suitable image along with your post request.