Conferences & Networking
Connecting with scholarly communities and establishing professional partners is an integral part of an academic career. Conferences and similar academic events are key forums for building these networks, and have the potential to be inclusive and accessible spaces for exchanging ideas and bringing academics together.
Below are some resources that offer practical suggestions for how to approach academic events, drafting conference papers, and network effectively.
Conference Papers and Other Presentations, General Guidance:
“Academic Conference Tips”, Taylor and Francis Author Services (Includes information conference structures, tips on selecting conferences, strategies for networking and more)
“How to Write a Paper or Conference Proposal Abstract” by Karen Kelsky, The Professor is In
“How to write a conference abstract: a five-part plan for pitching your research at almost anything” by Catherine Baker, Catherine Baker Blog site
“Writing and Giving Conference Presentations in the Arts and Humanities”, Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England
“Engage Your Audience With Interactive Conference Ideas” by Geoff Beers, The Balance Small Business
“6 Tips for Giving a Fabulous Academic Presentation” by Tanya Golash-Boza, Wiley
“ Speaking Skills and presentations”, University of Portsmouth
“Presenting a conference paper” by Bela Chatterjee, Lancaster University
“How to Write an Engaging Conference Paper” by Kate Miller-Wilson, YourDictionary
“Writing a Conference Paper in the Humanities” The Graduate Writing Center
“How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation of Your Research Paper” Elsevier Author Services
See Also, On Conference Organising:
“Organizing a Conference” by Phil Rabinowitz, The Community Tool Box
“Organizing a conference” PORT (Postgraduate Online Research Training), University of London
Networking Guidance:
“The Importance of Networking During Your Postgraduate Studies” and “How to Effectively Network” by Charlotte King, Postgrad
“Remote Networking as a Person of Colour” by Laura Morgan Roberts and Anthony J. Mayo, Harvard Business Review
“5 Easy Ways to Network While at University” by Chloe Lane,
“5 Easy Ways for PhD Students to Start Networking”, Academic Positions
“Academic Networks” by C. Shanahan, BU Research Networking Blog
“Networking”, University of Nottingham
“Networking: How to Maximize Opportunities and Boost Your Career Connections” by Ruth Cherrington,
“10 tips to enhance your professional network” by Nicole Brigandi, UCL
“How to Network During and After a Conference” by Georgina Torbet, Conference Monkey
“An Introverts Guide to Networking at Conferences” by Lindsey Drayton
“Networking Strategies for Academics Who Are Bad At It” by Bedelia Nicola Richards, Inside Higher Ed (A WOC Perspective)