Activism & Community

The Early Modern Scholars of Colour network strives to learn from, build on, and support the social justice and anti-racist work of other academic groups in the UK and further afield.

Below are links to networks, research-based organisations, and platforms that share the aims and interests of EMSOC.

UK Based:

Black British Academics 

Black Sister Network 

NUS (National Union of Students) Black Students Network (NUS Black students’ network is the largest organisation of Black students in Europe and represents all students of African, Arab, Asian and Caribbean heritage)

NeSA - Network of Sisters in Academia (Muslim Women in Academia, UK)

The Runnymede Trust - “The UK’s leading race equality think tank” 

Institute of Race Relations 

Racial Justice Network UK

Medieval and Early Modern Orients

Outside of the UK: 

Arizona Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies  and RaceB4Race 

Medievalists of Colour 

Race and Ethnicity - The site of the MLA Committee on the Literatures of People of Color in the United States and Canada

Black Academic Caucus (University of Cape Town and Mail & Guardian, South Africa) - “Black Academic Caucus (BAC) is a platform that advocates for inclusive and diverse academic institutions that also prioritise black academics and their knowledge.”

Diverse: Issues in Higher Education 


Writing & Publication